Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Backed by Big Media?

Toronto Liberal MP Candidate Sarmite Bulte.

I've been following Ottawa Law Professor Michael Geist's posts about this story for a few days... and it's great to see Standford Law Professor Larry Lessig chime in.

Geist writes:

"Cleaning Up Copyright
With both prospective Canadian Heritage Ministers accepting copyright lobby cash (see The Sad Reality of Copyright Policy In Canada, Campaign Contributions, Tipping Point, That's What Friends Are For) and the funders making it clear that they are in the market for more (see Business As Usual), it is time to clean up copyright in Canada. The election campaign provides the perfect time to do so. The short term solution is obvious - Bulte should cancel the January 19th fundraiser and apologize to her constituents and the Canadian public."

Here's a link to Professor Geist's full post.

UPDATE: Cory Doctorow is all over this story like stink on a nervous skunk and points to some video from an All-Candidates meeting in Toronto's HIgh Park riding.